Become a Member

Business Partner Application

Becoming a Business Partner Member of GKAR opens countless opportunities for advertising, networking, and leadership. Have a question? Email us at

Application Instructions

1. Download and submit a GKAR Business Partner Member Application.

Business Partner Application

Download (PDF)

Additional Business Partner Application

Download (PDF)


2. Receive approval from the GKAR Board of Directors.

3. Pay annual dues of $520. (Fee is prorated based on join date; Example: a business joining in July would pay only $260)

4. Have your company name and logo added to our Business Partner Directory.

5. Get involved and take advantage of your Member Benefits.

Make the Most of your Membership!

When you get involved, you open up a world of opportunities to build your network, your resume, and your business. Take advantage of the exciting benefits and opportunities available to you at GKAR.

Business Partner Directory

Event Calendar

Business Partner Benefits

Sponsorship Opportunities

Yrs of Membership Awards